For Families

“Prior to H.E.R.O. my daughter was anxious and afraid to go to school. Now she is confident and no longer afraid. H.E.R.O. changed her life!

7th Grade Parent and Teacher

The family connection is a vitally important component of the H.E.R.O. Program. Each lesson includes a journaling activity designed to capture feelings and inform the family of their child’s response to the program. There are also extension activities that are designed to increase safe-thinking skills beyond the classroom.

We encourage families to learn alongside students by downloading the H.E.R.O. Parent Companion Guide. This guide will help you understand the components of the H.E.R.O. Program so your whole family can implement effective safety strategies in the event of an emergency. To further this goal, we have prepared a number of accompanying family safety resources you can download below.

H.E.R.O. Companion Guides for Parents

Grades K-5

Grades 6-12

Additional Family Resources

5 Ways to Discuss Coronavirus with Kids

Parent Prevention Guide Cover

Parent Prevention Guide

HERO 5 ways to discuss violence Cover

5 Ways To Discuss Violence

Helping a Loved One Recover from Trauma

HERO Infographic ages 4-8

Are Your Kids Safe Thinkers? (Ages 4-8)

HERO Infographic ages 9-12 Cover

Are Your Kids Safe Thinkers? (Ages 9-12)

Event Planning Guide 2019

Event Planning Guide


5 Maneras de Tratar el Coronavirus con los Ninos

Prevención de Violencia masiva al Reconocer el comportamiento

Ayudar a un ser querido a recuperarse del trauma

5 Maneras De Analizar La Violencia Con Los Niños

Sus hijos son pensadores seguros? Hágales estas 5 preguntas para descubriro (Edades 4-8)

Sus hijos son pensadores seguros? Hágales estas 5 preguntas para descubriro (Edades 9-12)

Plan Del Evento

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